Individual Therapy
Sometimes it feels like everyone else has it together–like they were clued into a secret that you never got.
You work hard, you take care of your family and you’re good to your friends. But something is missing.
Maybe your career is stuck in a rut or your relationship is unsatisfying. Perhaps it’s been harder being a parent than you thought it would be. Or the traumatic events in your past keep cropping up in your present. Whatever the source of your struggle, you keep trying to be different, to be be better, but it isn’t working. The same patterns keep showing up over and over.
What’s holding your back from living your life?
Relationship Issues
Masculinity/Men’s Issues
Substance Use
Sexual Intimacy or Performance
A Research Based Approach
to Creating Change
It’s not unusual to have some hesitation to reach out to a therapist. Though it gets better every year, there is still a negative stigma attached to mental health. We were all raised with this idea that we’re supposed to be able to figure it out on our own, that all of these problems are just “in your head,” and that getting better is simply a matter of deciding to do so. For many, their inability to just snap out of it feels like a moral failing. As if depression were just laziness, anxiety was just needing to relax, or a man needing help was a sign of weakness.
What if it IS all in your head?
So what? That’s where your brain is.
Everything you’re struggling with likely has both an external and an internal component. Some parts of that you’ll have the power to change, others you won’t. Most of our suffering comes not from the reality of our situation, but our reaction to it, and the strategies we employ to deal with it. You may not be able to change your reality, but you can change your strategies, and you can reduce your suffering.
We Can Help You!
At Wise Mind Counseling, we rely on Evidence-Based Protocols backed by decades of research to help you change your relationship with the struggles in your life. We can help you identify where you’re getting stuck, or employing strategies that are not good for your long-term happiness and wellbeing. With that insight, we’ll help you develop better strategies, and build the practices and habits that will get you where you want to go.

Daniel Brake, LMFT-S
Licensed Marriage & Family Therapist Clinical Supervisor

Keeley Arnecke, LMFT Associate
Licensed Marriage & Family Therapist Associate